
Showing posts from 2016


MERMAID HAIR AND PIERCING UPATE! ♡ So not too long ago, i decided to invest in some clamp-in hair extensions for the summer and before i go back to college. Not because i dislike my hair the length that it is now; I just get very bored with looking the same and feel like I always need to be changing myself in some way. Luckily with my mum and her friends being hairdressers, I only needed to pay for the actual hair rather than the clamping itself. Each pack of bonded hair was about £17, and I bought five packs to be safe (I have one and a half packs to spare - but it depends on the thickness of your hair, and they are useful for when the old ones fall out.) To change it up a bit, I went for the Crazy Color dye - as I have never tried it before - and used three different shades of blue/green mixed together. Rough quantity: 2/5 parts Peppermint - 2/5 Parts bubblegum blue - 1/5 parts Sky blue - All these colours put together created my usual turquoise shade however was lighter due to th


Photo Diary and Gig Outfit: WOLF ALICE♡ SWIM DEEP♡ AND BLOODY KNEES♡. (Still unaware if anyone actually reads these , but I'm sorry for not posting in such a long time! Ive been extremely busy with college work, and overly distracted by personal issues :)) So over the weekend, me and my dad took a little trip up North for a Wolf Alice gig at Keele University - It was amazing! Most of the time the support acts are nothing compared to the main act, however we were pleasantly surprised by first and second band - Bloody Knees, and Swim Deep. I had listened to Swim Deep before so I was excited to hear them play live; both them and Bloody Knees didn't disappoint us. Obviously Wolf Alice were great, and we were so happy about how close we were to the barrier; most likely the closest we will ever get to them as they are only getting more and more popular. And they deserve it!  It was a freezing cold evening, and Im finding myself wearing lots of black at the moment. I wore