
Showing posts from June 28, 2015


    Hi guys! These last couple months have gone unbelievably quickly , and have all seemed quite surreal with my exams and all. Finishing school has given me a new perspective , and hopes for the future, and it's going to be nice to be able to fully relax this holiday. I barely realised; it's the 4th of July! And seeing as summer is in the air , and I'm looking forward to having a pro-active, lively summer, i thought i would use this time (my first blog post) to share some of the things i want to do / achieve. I'm super excited for all my holiday's this year too , and in around five weeks i will be in this lovely place - Italy - hopefully getting lots of amazing photo's and possibly tanning if I'm lucky. So here we go... Summer list: 1)Watch the sunset/sunrise - always been something I've wanted to do. Kind of a cliche , but beautiful none the less. 2)Read at least two books. The only time i ever seem to be able to read is during the summer season